Birthday sea bug

Guess who has a 30th birthday right on the heels of mine?  Yep, I am married to a younger guy.  By less than two weeks.

The hubs’ official three-oh day falls over the weekend, while we’ll be out of town at a family thingy, so I deemed tonight our official celebration.

His gift?  A 2.5-pound lobster!

Well, sorta.  That bad boy was dinner.  (I purchased him already cooked.  He would have freaked me out alive – this sea bug was massive!)

The hubs’ real birthday gift was a new laptop/work bag!  Because he’s been using this for way too long:

That would be dental floss holding his old bag together.  (Seriously?  This is probably why I had to have a root canal!  Because I couldn’t floss – because the hubs wasted it all on bag repair!)

So I got him this sweet messenger bag from Crumpler:

It has a laptop pocket and all sorts of other little nooks and crannies.  Stylish and functional!  Crumpler bags are awesome.

(Can you see whose little white paws are itching to climb on top of this?  I barely set it out long enough to take a picture, and then:

Emmy’s obsession with bags and suitcases is so bizarre.)

So, happy birthday, hubs!  A few days early, anyway.  Tomorrow night we are flying out to Nashville for a big ol’ rendezvous with the in-laws.  There will be lots of meetings involved, but other than that, it should be fun!  I’m sure there will be birthday celebrations there too, but I’m glad we had a chance for a nice dinner, just the two of us.

Speaking of which….

Today’s EAT: The hubs refused to be photographed in a lobster bib.  No fun, hubs!  I modeled mine proudly:

(One of these days?  A how-to blog post on achieving maximum shininess of the face.  Because I’m an expert.)

Along with our giant lobster and some delicious corn on the cob, I whipped up a little apple and radicchio slaw:

Grated granny smith apple, radicchio, and dried cherries tossed with a little mayo and honey.  A tart little treat to accompany the butter overload of the lobster and corn!

Today’s DRINK: I think I found another New York wine that I kind of like!

Of course, this Paumanok Festival Chardonnay was on the sweet side and almost a little sparkly.  Perfect for a special occasion, actually!  At $14, it wasn’t dirt cheap, but still a great value.

Today’s RUN: I doubled down today and did 3.34 easy this morning (9:17 pace) and 5.66 easy this evening (8:28 pace).  Wow, look at all of those precise numbers.  Gracias, Garmin!

The morning run was a bit funky as I was literally running some errands, which meant I was stuck on pedestrian-choked city sidewalks.  I tell ya, nothing will make you hate humanity more than trying to run through Midtown Manhattan.

Here’s how the rest of the week looks:

  • Thursday – short and easy
  • Friday – long, baby, long!  20!  This is the only day of the weekend I don’t have to be in a meeting at 8AM, so it has to be my long run day.  I’m not thrilled about piling a 20-miler on top of a few pretty solid days, and only five days after last Sunday’s long run.  I’m also a bit nervous about doing it in Nashville; I have no idea where I’m going to go.  But such is life.  The run will get done.
  • Saturday – rest.  Yessssss.
  • Sunday – 6 mile tempo run: 3 at marathon pace, 3 at half-marathon pace.  This is the team workout from Thursday that I’ll be missing because of this travel.  Since I’d normally do a long run on Sunday, I’m flipping the two this week.  With a solid rest day in between, I think it will be fine.

Today’s QUESTION: What’s your type – older or younger? I guess technically I always dated younger guys, but only slightly – like, a year or less.  In high school I dated a guy who was born on the same day as me – like, hours later.  And we were born in the same hospital.  It was kind of weird!

20 responses to “Birthday sea bug

  1. Mmm sea bugs are yummy! Happy birthday to Drew!

    I’ve got a youngin’ by 2 months and 6 days. 😀 I like it.

  2. -your slaw looks AMAZING and I usually hate any type of “slaw” Will definitely have to try it out.

    -Running through Nashville sounds fun, and exciting. It’s always nice to run in new locales.

    -My hubs is younger by 3 months. But he doesn’t use sunscreen (shame, shame) so maybe I’ll age better! 🙂

  3. lifeisbeachykeen

    Have a great time in Nashville!
    I am younger then my hubs by 4 years. =)

  4. happy birthday to the hubby! and lobster bibs are hot 🙂

  5. Happy birthday, hubby! Good thing you didn’t give him crabs for his bday – OHHHH. But that’s a pretty stellar bib. I also have to laugh about the dental floss – I’ve got a pair of jeans that I’ve been holding together with a safety pin for the past three years, so no judgement, Mr. EDR.

    Now that I think about it, I’ve only dated guys slightly older than I am. It’s not a conscious decision, it’s just how it worked out. Mostly, I’d prefer to date someone who makes more money than I do – which at this point, shouldn’t be hard.

  6. Happy birthday to hubs! The dental floss on securing the shoulder strap is nice.

    That bib looks more like a plastic shirt. It’s huge!!

  7. That slaw looks really good — I love side dishes like that!

    Happy BDay to your husband! 🙂

    Well, my husband is 4 years older, so I guess I like older men (?)

  8. Have fun in Nashville!

    My husband is 1 year, 50 weeks, 6 days older than me. Or two years older if you don’t like to be precise.

  9. Running around Nashville could be a blast! So envious. Especially now that you have the Garmin… you won’t even have to stick to any route, you can just explore aimlessly if you want. My boyfriend is nine days younger than me… I guess I’m a “same age” type.

  10. Usually I end up with guys at least a year older than me, but BT (the boyfriend) is three months younger. I feel like momma bear, sorta. It’s strange 🙂

    That is a great laptop bag. Crumpler is sa-weet. Was thinking of buying BT something like that for his birthday (in, uhm, two weeks?) but he’s not into the messenger bag thing for some reason. Hmmm.

    Enjoy your trip! Aaand that lobster bib shot is great!

  11. Looks like a yummy dinner!

    My hubs is younger than me by just over 2 months. He always jokes that he married an older woman.

    And my parents cats are exactly like yours when it comes to new bags. They have to explore everything!

    Have fun in Nashville!

  12. I am married to a younger guy as well! I am 31 and he will be turning 31 next week. We get to be the same age for 2 months and then I pass him up.

  13. My vote is for older men!! The last 3 guys I dated had more than 10 years on me…I dunno, somehow I feel I relate better to them? Maybe it’s a maturity thing or something (the whole “girls mature faster than guys” myth) The last 2 I’m still good friends with, the other one…well let’s say I was the more mature one in the relationship.

    Happy bday to Mr. Shelby! Nice bag-which model was it? (i’m looking to upgrade my laptop bag in the near future…)

  14. Ooooh! That looks good! I love lobster bisque.

  15. Welcome to Nashville! You could try running in Percy Warner Park. It’s crazy hilly there though.
    And my husband is 3 years older. I prefer older guys definitely.

  16. kitty always gets in our suitcases when we’re packing for a trip. We actually check to make sure she’s not in there before zipping up (remember this?

    I dated a dude who was younger than me once — he was 18 and I was 20 (in guy time that’s a difference of about 11 years). SO HOT but SO immature. The clincher was when his mom brought us milk and cookies and caught us fooling around.

  17. Mmm.. Wine 🙂

    I always liked older guys. But then I got in this weird stage in college where I dated guys a year or two younger. Bad idea..

    Now, I’m married to guy 12 weeks older than me 🙂

  18. oh man I’m totally a shiny faced chica too. what the heck?!? and I definitely go for the youngens. ::)

  19. Nashville?? I wish we could GTG! Have fun!

  20. Dear Shelby, Please come make me lobster and apple slaw. That looks delicious. K, thx. Also, I miss you running buddy!

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