Sunshine on a cloudy day

Well, we knew August-in-April was too good to last, right?  Back to normal seasonal temperatures.  And clouds, and rain.

Today was a perfect day to crawl back under the covers and hibernate in bed.  So that’s exactly what I did.  I dragged my laptop into the bedroom and proceeded to set up shop there.  Clearly a downgrade in formality from my normal perch on the couch, but it worked!  (And before you hate me, remember that I make, like, no money and probably am going to have to go get a job flipping burgers soon, at which point my pajama-clad fantasy world will certainly come crashing down upon me.)

Aside from the joy of spending the day in an elastic waistband and not brushing my hair until 5 PM, my day was brightened by Bree at Bees Knees Life for passing on this Sunshine Award to me!

Thanks, Bree!  Her blog really is the bees knees, with an awesome mix of recipes, bad-ass workouts involving things in the weight room that I can only dream of, and lots of fondant.

As for a blogger who brings me sunshine, I’m going to tag Amanda at Have Pan, Will Cook.   She is a pro at making dishes that look and taste like sinful splurges, but are actually healthy!

Speaking of splurges….

Today’s EAT:  Sometimes a girl just wants some BBQ, y’all.

Or more specifically: fried chicken, baby back ribs, fried onions and potatoes, and stuffing.  By the time our delivery arrived from Dallas BBQ, I was literally ready to chew my arm off and I dove into this plate of comfort food like a starving hyena.

Yeah…I am definitely not one of those “healthy” people who, deep down, doesn’t like junk food.  I love junk food.  Baby back ribs?  They are heaven to me.  And once in a while you’ve gotta satisfy that craving.  Devon at Run, Sleep, Rinse, Repeat said it far more eloquently the other day in her post about the infamous KFC Double Down.  Splurges are good once in a while!

Today’s DRINK: What goes well with BBQ?  Um…Pinot Grigio?

Food and wine pairing FAIL.  But this bottle from Coppola was still light, tasty and delicious – and of course, under $10 at TJ’s.  We enjoyed it, even if it would have better complimented a summer salad.

Today’s RUN:  My legs were stiff this morning from yesterday’s tempo run!  I guess that’s what you get when you run a quick pace and don’t do any cool down.  Oops.

Today was an easy 4 miles (35:00) followed by a 90-minute Vinyasa yoga class.  The instructor focused on Uttanasana tonight – basically, a forward-bend hamstring stretch, which was absolutely perfect for my sore legs.  I felt great after class!

More exciting news on the running front – I got a welcome email from CPTC today!  Meaning, I’m officially a member of the club!  Hooray!  I’m so excited to keep running with this group; I think it will be really good for me.

Today’s QUESTIONWhat’s your favorite food splurge? I am definitely have a savory/salty tooth rather than a sweet one.

4 responses to “Sunshine on a cloudy day

  1. Thanks for the shout out 🙂

    And I’m one of those people too. I just drooled over your plate!! I love me some BBQ!

  2. I have a big sweet tooth, but I indulge that pretty frequently, so for a splurge, I’d say steak. We don’t eat red meat at home most of the time but I made filet mignon for the first time the other night and it was so freaking good that I know I will have to make it again.

  3. Favorite food splurge is a cupcake from crumbs!

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