The goodbye period

It’s officially begun.  This weekend was a string of last meals at beloved  restaurants and meetings over cocktails to bid farewell to our favorite people and places in NYC.

Sad. Face.

Also, we finally started packing.  Packing pretty much sucks.  Fortunately, we have a great helper.

Emmy has moved with us several times now and I have to say, she appears to love the process.  Boxes and bags and bubble wrap to explore?  She’s in heaven.

(Actually, I think she just likes looking down on us for once!)

This week ahead is jam-packed with work, running, packing and goodbyes.  If only I could scratch that last one out. 😦

Today’s EAT: After a long day of wrestling with packing tape and bubble wrap, the hubs and I indulged in a lovely dinner at a neighborhood restaurant that we’d been itching to try all year!

And thanks to my dad for picking up the tab, via a gift certificate he phoned in for our birthdays a few weeks ago. 🙂  I love consumable gifts – and excellent choice, dad!  We had a great dinner of arugula and peach salad, steak, and lobster risotto.  Yummage!

Today’s DRINK: Naturally we had a bottle of wine with dinner, but I don’t remember what it was.  However, when we got home, I decided to break into one of the few bottles that remained on our wine rack when I packed it up this afternoon.

That wine rack was peppered with a few nice bottles when I dismantled it.  This is one of them – 2002 Greg Norman Estate Shiraz-Cab, a gift from my mom and step-dad that we were sort of saving.

But I’m not planning on moving wine bottles, so the good stuff will be consumed this week!

And yes, this bottle is excellent.  I’m sure it deserves a more than being sipped on the couch in yoga pants.  But you do what you’ve gotta do, right? 🙂

Today’s RUN: My legs were a bit sore today, but considering the week’s mileage (57!) and yesterday’s long run, I felt pretty good!  I headed out for 7 easy ones today – kept the pace around 9:30.  I got poured on, which was initially kind of annoying but then kind of fun.

Today’s QUESTION: Is there a restaurant you’ve been dying to try?  What’s stopping you?  There are sooooo many places I wish we had eaten here in NYC.  I wish we had an unlimited bank account!  (Or unlimited birthday gift certificates! :))

9 responses to “The goodbye period

  1. I need to see you before you leave. Egad. This was a sad post. Amazing job doing a run after your 18 miles.

    Three on my must try list are Dirt Candy, Keste, and Chennai Garden. I’m not sure what’s stopped me. Oh! And the Breslin, for breakfast.

  2. so many people are moving and packing right now! i think the whole blog world can commiserate on that one hah! good luck again on the packing and moving.

    stellar run after a LR. you are one really good runner 🙂

  3. this makes me sad. i hate boxes and packing and you moving before we got to go on mad dates (yo). boo hiss 😦

    there are many places in the west village i want to go to. oh, and aureole. that place sounds saweet. and many others. i need to make a list!

  4. Ooooh man, the final days before a big “departure” like this are such a confusingy sort of time. Hope you can enjoy and savor the last couple of days. I am envious of the furry/mischievous-looking packing buddy you have! Way to rock the LR this weekend.

  5. I still haven’t been to Grimaldi’s! Sad, I know. I did go to Keste on Friday though and it was pretty fabulous!

  6. Glad you guys enjoyed The Little Owl!
    If I ever get to NYC, I’m sure you can give me a pretty good list of places to try.
    Hope the move goes well!
    Luv, D

  7. What a great excuse to drink all your wine!!

  8. Considering we never get out to eat (Mickey D’s does not count), I don’t even have a list of restaurants I’m targeting. We (really, me) are pathetic in that regard. So much available to us in Gotham and we don’t take advantage of it. I wonder why. Oh yeah. Broke.

  9. I LOVE Greg Norman Shiraz – I bought it for Mike a couple of years ago to take out to dinner and I’ve been hooked ever since 🙂

    Good luck w/ the move! I’m so bummed I didn’t get to visit you while still in NYC. This summer was CRAZY!

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